RAISED SO FAR-August 2011>$8300.00!
$2000 GRANT from Green Mountain Coffee Roaster!!!


Our Facebook page title: "Waterbury Skateboard Park"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Raffle Items--Monday AUGUST 29th @ The Reservoir Pub

Here are a few items we have selected for the raffle:-we are adding more items frequently so check back before the raffle....the snowboard bench is also very cool (nearing completion). Please pump this event up and spread the word. We're hoping to make $1400 through raffle ticket sales--that means 70 people at the event buying $20 worth of tickets!!! Save your pennies and come have some fun at The Reservoir on August 29th for a "Back to School" celebration!

Green Mountain Adirondack Chair and Bench

Two new, vintage skateboard decks
ROME SDS NEW! 150cm Artifact Rocker snowboard

Faded Orange T's

Faded Orange T's

Faded Orange T's

This is a wall mounted bottle opener from Green Mountain Ski Furniture

Brand new skate helmets from Bell and Pro-tec

Faded Orange Camo' beanie cap

brand new set of pads-2 sets

snowboarding DVDs

Saturday, June 11, 2011

GMCR $2000 Grant!!

We are thrilled to announce a GMCR grant from the "Domestic Grant Making TEam". They are in full support of our Waterbury Skateboard Park project. Thank you to Karen Yakos and Eliza Dodd at GMCR for helping us reach our fundraising goals. Construction will begin June 20th at the Hope Davey Field in Waterbury Center, Vermont. We are close to reaching our goal!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sports Equipment Sale and Raffle: June 4-5th @ Murphy's Barn Waterbury Center

The Skateboard Park is now $5000 away from meeting our fundraising goals. Our direct mail solicitation brought in some good money...please donate today if you have not donated yet. The next phase of fundraising will be a used sporting goods sale. We are hoping to make at least $2000 in this sale. It will depend how much good gear we're able to bring into the sale...which of course depends on YOU!  Support your local sports swap on June 4-5th--drop off June 3rd.

-bikes                                                                   -scooters
-skateboard equipment                                      -unicycles
-snowboard equipment                                      -lacrosse sticks
-in-line skates                                                      -ski poles
-skis                                                                      -ski boots
-baby joggers
-baby backpacks

...and MORE!...anything you'd like to drop-off we're willing to check out and approve for the sale.

You have the choice of donating these items to support the Skatepark OR you can sell items on consignment. We will give you %70 of your sale price and 30% will go towards the skatepark fundraiser...(or more if you choose to do so)


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our last meeting

The "Waterbury Skates" committee had a meeting on April 7th: In attendance was--John Wolfe, Brad Moskowitz, Belle McDougall, Peter Ferrell and Richard Bowen. We also had 3 skate ambassadors with us to share their ideas... Asa Mosk, Eli Mosk and Jesse McD.

Our total fundraising to date is: $4415-this exceeds our April 15th goal!

Interestingly-this represents 14 gifts from local families and 5 gifts from donors outside of the Waterbury area. So... we have only tapped the surface of our potential Waterbury donor base. Let's keep working on these families to support our project. We've sent out letters to 55 Waterbury families so far.

The meeting focused on our building materials list. John Wolfe will be putting the materials list out to bid to  Sticks and Stuff, Hannon Home Supply and Richmond Building Supply. We are looking for donations and discounts. We hope to have an acceptable bid by May 15-30th.

Our start date will be the weekend of June 3-4-5th. Richard Bowen is available as of the first week of June to begin precutting the lumber.

Our Community Build/paint day: will be June 11th and 18th weather depending.

Our "Waterbury Skates" Yard Sale at the Murphy Barn: will be June 4-5th. Look for more details on our Facebook Page and in the Waterbury Record.

T-shirts: Our first run of t-shirts sold out! We will be re-ordering! Buy one!

Let's keep on rolling!!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Waterbury Skateboard Park T-shirts are now available

Skateboard Park meeting April 7th

Thursday April 7th we'll be having a meeting to discuss our materials budget and possible donors. We will also be discussing the timeline for community building days and organizing work groups. Our first building day will be saturday April 30th and sunday May 1st. If you would like to join us please contact Belle McDougall to participate in the work crew. Thanks!

DONATE-can't wait to skate!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

We need $1000 to reach our GOAL!!!

We have now raised $3000. This week brought in 2 very generous donations of $500 each! Many thanks to all contributors--I think we're going to make our April 15th GOAL...but we still have a ways to go. Our t-shirts are now in print, so get them while you can at the reduced price of $15.00!

We are planning our next meeting for thursday April 7th @ 7pm--please join us if you'd like to get involved with fundraising or building the park.


Saturday, March 26, 2011


T-SHIRTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE!  If you would like a new "Waterbury Skates" t-shirt please send your requests and check for $15.00 to us now. Spread the word! Our first run of t-shirts are priced to move so we can get the word out. Get them while they last. The shirts are 100% ring spun, combed cotton and super soft. We'll be voting on color choices for the next stay tuned. double click on the image to see it enlarged.
Gold lettering with our logo on a "deep red" shirt--$15.00
Checks and orders can be sent to: Waterbury Skates 1536 Loomis Hill Rd. Waterbury Center, VT 05677

Sunday, March 13, 2011

OUR GOAL--$4000-by April 15th

Hello Friends of "Waterbury Skates"--

We held a meeting on friday night with our committee and ambassadors with our special guest Richard Bowen. We ate some good pizza and had a productive brainstorming session.  The ambassadors want to add a rail to one of the hips--Richard agrees! The skaters have spoken. Thanks to all in attendance. We generated a great list of folks who might be generous donors to the project. The letters should be in the mail this week and we're hoping to raise $4000 by April 15th. Talk it up!!! We're on our way!

Donations can be made out to: Town of Waterbury Skateboard Park
Donations can be sent to: Belle McDougall 1536 Loomis Hill Rd. Waterbury  Center, VT 05677

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ben and Jerry's Foundation Grant

Hello everyone! We are gearing up for some fundraising activities this Spring so let's get ready to build this skate park! I am pleased to announce a $500 grant from the Ben and Jerry's Foundation. So far we've raised around $750--but we've got a long way to go! See below--

Dear Belle,

The Ben & Jerry's Waterbury Community Action Team has received your application and we are pleased to extend a grant of $500.  We hope this grant will be helpful with your important work. A check will follow in the mail.

At some time in the future, we would appreciate receiving a brief report describing how the program is progressing, and what impact our contribution has had on the project.  Please send your comments to:

We wish you continuing success in this most worthwhile endeavor.

Ben & Jerry's Waterbury CAT

Yahoooo!  Donations can be made out to: Town of Waterbury Skateboard Park
                    Donations should be sent to: Belle McDougall 1536 Loomis Hill Rd. Waterbury  Ctr. 
                    VT. 05677